To Infinity and Beyond . . .

I'll go ahead and say it, I don't like space. As in, outerspace, the Moon, Mars, etc. It makes me feel panicky. There's just so much of it. Not to mention that whole "no gravity" thing. What is that about? I read somewhere once that $52/year from each American goes to support NASA. I want my $52 back. Seriously. If it were up to me, we'd all just stay put right here on Earth. (And don't bother to go all off on me about how backward-thinking that is and how if Christopher Columbus had thought that way, we'd all still be believing the world was flat and the moon was made of green cheese. I don't care.) So you can imagine my surprise and dismay when earlier this week, Republican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich declared that, were he President, he would colonize the Moon . And that's when he permanently lost my vote (not that he actually ever had it to begin with, but that's neither here nor there). Not ...