Local Celebrity Swag-ger

I often joke with one of my coworkers that I am a "Local Personality." I've been writing this blog for a year and a half and on Twitter just about as long. I blog and tweet about inanity, but often tweet to and about businesses and restaurants that I like. My favorite food truck, @DCEmpanadas often gives me a little something extra when I get my lunch, sometimes I'll get free drinks at a bar, and I one time I even won a $50 Friendly's gift card. These are the perks of local celebrity, I suppose [please note the sarcasm]. And besides, who doesn't like free stuff? Speaking of free stuff, last night I was invited to opening night at Arena Stage's production of Oklahoma! by their publicist. I was so flattered to be asked (as media -- imagine, me, a lowly flack by day invited as media* !), and happily accepted. Normally WH would come along with me, but I know musicals are not his thing so my mom came with me instead. The evening starte...