Not-So-Fine Dining
I love the news. And I hate the news. I like to know what's going on in the world, from politics to world news to celebrity garbage, I want to know it all -- even though it alternately makes me laugh and despair for society. So imagine my surprise when I was sent this story by my friend the Policy Lawyer earlier today. Something ridiculous that I had not seen! And on one of my favorite topics, too, public transportation ! Complete with video! I especially like the part where the Spaghetti Eater gets up to fight, but doesn't stop eating her spaghetti (I'd like to know where she got it, that it was so good she just couldn't wait till the fight was over for her victory meal. And while we're at it, I also wonder where they were going that there was a full three minutes and 52 seconds between stops). The article goes on to discuss etiquette on the subway . . . which is something I know all too well. My favorite part of the article is the description o...