On Gay Marriage
I'm all for open minds, but for me, there are few issues on which there can be no debate. For me, gay marriage is one of these. My sister is gay. And I think she deserves every right I do. She is not "less than" because of who she loves. Let me say that again, because of who she LOVES . Are we even debating love now? In a time where we are torn apart by ire, and vitriol, and hate? Are we so consumed by limiting who can LOVE? But aside from my familial connection, I think every human being deserves equal treatment -- medical and retirement benefits; tax deductions; the right to visit the one you love, unfettered, in a hospital; the right to raise children together; even the right to disagree, dissolve, and divorce. I don't think there are a separate set of rules for certain segments of the population based on w ho you love . Period. My friends, the Gay Lawyer and his husband the Gay Historian (and their baby, the Most Beautiful Child in the World ), have bee...