Picnic Lunch
It's been a while since I've had one of those "am I being filmed for a reality show" bus experiences. I had chalked it up to the fact that I was on vacation for a couple of weeks and that perhaps the crazies had also all gone on vacation. Until today. We all know not to eat, drink, or litter on the bus or Metro -- it's plain as day on signs on the bus and train (and this handy "manners" page from Metro). So imagine my surprise when I saw a woman having a full picnic lunch today. My co-rider was sitting in the seat directly behind the driver (separated by a partition of sorts). The Lunch Lady had, balanced on her knees, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a juicebox, a bag of potato chips, and an half-eaten apple in her hand. She was eating said apple with a loud munch-smack at every bite. She was speaking loudly, mouth full, to her friend sitting next to her. She didn't bother to offer him any of her treats, th...